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Temperature control system / temperature control unit WWH 30/10 S

Our brand new temperature control system / temperature control unit WWH 30/10 S uses water as the cooling medium. Maximum operational reliability with consistently precise cooling performance. Our temperature control technology is designed so that it can be adapted to your specific requirements.

KWR special cooling system

Cooling units of the KWR special series were developed for cooling machines and systems that are specially designed and manufactured to customer specifications.

News: ELW HP Finned Heat Exchangers

The heat exchangers of series ELW are finned heat exchangers for cooling and heating of normal and corrosive liquids like, for example, de-ionized water. Additional benefits: Up to a maxium pressure of 10 bar, all water-swept parts made of stainless steel, very space-saving chamber design. Other dimensions are possible within modules, the fins can be made of copper or stainless steel.

Various fin spacings, performance optimization through low pressure losses. Water quantity from 4 to 16 l/min., also available as a complete unit with fan.

With medium connections 3/8" female thread and 3/4" male thread.

from 421,20 €

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